Sri Murni is an Aluminium Extrusion project & Retail Distributor located in Surabaya, Indonesia. Specialist in the supply of aluminium extrusions, systems, rolled products and accessories, particularly to the home improvement and architectural markets.
With more than twenty five years of experience in supplying and distributing aluminium materials and products. We offer several advantages that our customers will be able to gain from us. They are competitive price, quality control and excellent customer service.
Kepala Gudang
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim Surat :
HRD PT. Sri Murni Aluminium
Jln. Rajawali No. 53a, Surabaya
AdvertisementWith more than twenty five years of experience in supplying and distributing aluminium materials and products. We offer several advantages that our customers will be able to gain from us. They are competitive price, quality control and excellent customer service.
Kepala Gudang
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)
- Pendidikan S1 (Manajemen)
- Jenis Kelamin laki - laki
- Usia Maksimal 35 tahun
- Pengalaman kerja dibagian gudang minimal 5 tahun
- Komunikatif, cekatan dan dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Berjiwa Kepemimpinan
- Aktif berbahasa Inggris
- Dapat mengoperasikan Microsoft Office
Lamaran dan CV dapat dikirim Surat :
HRD PT. Sri Murni Aluminium
Jln. Rajawali No. 53a, Surabaya