Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ

Lowongan BUMN Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ - Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Yogyakarta  |  Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ adalah operator dari Kontraktor Kerjasama ONWJ dibawah BPMIGAS yang dimiliki oleh Pertamina sejak bulan Juli 2009. Kegiatan PHE ONWJ mencakup area sekitar 8,300 kilometer persegi yang terletak di sebelah utara Cirebon sampai ke Kepulauan Seribu.

Fasilitas produksi terdiri dari 670 sumur, 170 anjungan di perairan dangkal, 40 pemroses dan fasilitas disertai 1600 kilometer pipa bawah laut. (SF) PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ) terus meningkatkan nilai investasi dalam upaya menaikkan tingkat produksi minyak dan gas bumi dari blok ONWJ.

Upaya ini merupakan bentuk komitmen manajemen PHE ONWJ mendukung program Pemerintah dan BPMIGAS untuk meningkatkan produksi minyak dan gas bumi nasional. Pada tahun 2011 ini, target produksi PHE ONWJ untuk minyak mentah adalah sebesar 31.000 BOPD dan 190 bbtud gas. Hingga tanggal 30 Juli 2011, rata-rata realisasi produksi minyak mentah dari blok ONWJ tercatat sejumlah 31.373 BOPD dan 186 bbtud gas. Dengan realisasi tersebut, tahun ini target produksi PHE ONWJ kemudian ditetapkan untuk
ditingkatkan menjadi 32.000 BOPD. Tahun 2012, PHE ONWJ mentargetkan produksi migas blok ONWJ akan ditingkatkan menjadi 35.000 BOPD (naik 52% dibandingkan produksi tahun 2009) dan lifting gas sebesar 231 bbtud (naik 4% dari lifting tahun 2009)

Professional Development Program (PDP) 

The Professional Development Program (PDP) is made to recruit talented graduates, to develop hands-on professional and to build potential future leaders. This program is establish due to the need to ensure organizational capability in near future to anticipate increasing business activities, part of succession planning, tight market for oil & gas professional, and the need to prepare future leaders to be world class workforce.

This will be approximately 18 months program and it combines formal classroom training with hands-on learning experiences to adopt Corporate and Company business values. Throughout the program, PDPs will work with their supervisors and line managers regarding the program and learn on how to apply their knowledge. Departmental managers will have ultimate responsibility for the training, utilization, and performance feedback for each PDP. Expectations are that assignments will be designed to maximize PDPs experience to areas of exposure.

At the conclusion of each assignment, PDPs will present a summary of their training experience and project assignment to management: managers, EDP Committee, SMT, and the next assigned departmental manager in their rotation.

The program will have six (6) major agenda as follows:

  • Introductory; an induction about Corporate and Company business values, including departmental awareness. 
  • Schoolroom; consist of core curriculum, leadership curriculum, and some basic technical training related to their role. 
  • On The Job Training; PDPs will have a job assignment with minimum 3 months of every assignment. In between, PDPs will be provided with. 
  • Review & Assessment; PDPs should present their introductory and project assignment to board of management and committee. The Review & Assessment will be held after finishing their Introductory and after completing each of their Job Assignments. 
  • Graduation; final review for each PDP and followed with Graduation Day to commemorate the program. 
Update Lowongan Kerja Pertamina 2012
If you interest, Please visit link to apply : PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ
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