Lowongan Kerja BUMN PJB Services (PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali) | PT PJB Services is a subsidiary of PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali which was established to answer the need for additional line-up businesses in the areas of Operations and Maintenance Service Unit Power Plant. PT PJB Services was established on March 31, 2001 with 95% shareholding owned by PT PJB and 5% owned by the Foundation for Education and Welfare of PT PJB. PT PJB Services initially focused only on the field of Plant Maintenance only. PT PJB Services has developed the ability to be a company engaged in the Operation and Maintenance of Plant. Currently, PT PJB Services has been successful Go International with a long experience among others in Singapore, Malaysia, Kuwait, China and Saudi Arabia to have a good reputation. On March 25, 2002, PT PJB Services has obtained the certificate ISO 9001: 2000 number 01 100 0187 87 for Management of Services for Relocation, Rehabilitation, Operation and Maintenance of Power Plant s from the Institute for Certification of Germany The TÜV CERT Certification Body of TÜV Anlagentechnik GmbH . PT PJB Services was appointed as contractor O & M Performance Contract with the pattern of the New Paiton manager: 1x660 MW power plant Indramayu: 3x330 MW, 2x315 MW power plant Apex, Pacitan 2x316 MW power plant. One reason for the appointment of PT PJB Services by PT PJB is m enjadikan PT PJB Services as a company to manage the four new power plants to understand the characteristics, weaknesses in physical assets that have a negative impact on business, and able to proactively anticipate, resulting in a high-performance assets. In addition, make PT PJB Services as a company that has a high profitability, sustainable and growing.
PT. PJB Services invites the best candidates to join following positins :
Rekruitment ODP D3 dan SMK/SMA Persyaratan Akademis :
1. Lulusan D3
2. Lulusan SMA / SMK
Tim Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Teknik/ Non Teknik PT. PJB Services
PO BOX 4104 SBS 60400
update Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru on Juni 18,2012
AdvertisementPT. PJB Services invites the best candidates to join following positins :
Rekruitment ODP D3 dan SMK/SMA Persyaratan Akademis :
1. Lulusan D3
- Teknisi dan Operator : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro/Listrik/Arus Kuat, Teknik Elektronika/Arus Lemah, Teknik Instrumen/Fisika
- Staf Teknik : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro / Listrik/ Arus Kuat, teknik Elektronika, Teknik Instrumen/Fisika, Teknik Kimia
- Staf Non Teknik : Akutansi, Manajemen, Perpajakan, Teknik Informatika.
2. Lulusan SMA / SMK
- Teknisi dan Operator : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro/Listrik/Arus Kuat, Staf Teknik : Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro / Listrik, Teknik Kimia
- Staf Non Teknik : Akutansi
Tim Rekrutmen Tenaga Kerja Teknik/ Non Teknik PT. PJB Services
PO BOX 4104 SBS 60400
update Lowongan Kerja BUMN Terbaru on Juni 18,2012